FITUG concerned about situation in the Middle East

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The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) is very concerned about the evolving situation in the Middle East and the looming threat of perhaps a Third World War. We have recently received a statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) on the matter and fully embrace the sentiments contained therein. At this time, FITUG calls on all Guyanese who are peace-loving to raise their voices and denounce those beating the drums of war.

Below are germane aspects of the WFTU statement to all Trade Unions internationally on the developments in the Middle East. The FITUG has made adjustments to the received text so that it is clearer to follow and so that its readership remains focused on the question of war directed at Syria but which promises to escalate into a global conflict, with horrendous consequences.

Stop the war preparations

The World Federation of Trade Unions is calling on all trade unions and all workers of the five continents to demand the end of the dangerous plans currently underway in the Southeastern Mediterranean that is signalling the growing danger of war in that region and the world.

The ruling circles, especially of the USA, France and Great Britain and their allies are particularly called  upon to desist from the war preparations aimed at threatening Syria and the Syrian people with missile attacks.

The large military forces which have gathered in the air, at sea and at land of the Mediterranean region are using the pretext of the use of chemical weapons by Syria as justification for this build up and threat to Syria. The accusation against Syria is widely viewed as false.

The exacerbation of the situation and the risk of a generalized military conflict in the wider region of the Middle East must be condemned and opposed by the working class as it poses a great danger to working-people worldwide.

The World Federation of Trade Unions calls on the trade union organizations to raise their voice against the war preparation and the threat before the Syrian people, and indeed all peoples. The WFTU stressed the importance of friendship and solidarity at this time as we confront the real dangers of war that has reared its head.


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