Electioneering statements and actions not helpful to our democracy nor our social cohesiveness – FITUG

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As we approach the March 02 National and Regional Elections, the FITUG continues to actively follow the campaign which is now in full swing as the various groupings seek to convince the populace for their support. For us the 2020 Elections are unique considering that they are about a year overdue and come at a critical juncture for our nation and our people. While we have quite a few more days of campaigning which undoubtedly will grow more intense, we recognize several uneventful happenings which cannot be considered helpful or even useful.

In recent days, we have seen encouragement been given by a senior and long-standing political leader to their party faithful to congregate around polling stations ostensibly to ensure a free, fair and transparent elections. We believe it is the innate desire of all right-thinking and democratically-minded Guyanese to ensure that the elections are reflective of the will of the people. However, such wishes cannot be realized if there is fear or even using language that evokes fear. We contend that there is absolutely no need for persons to linger around polling stations at the end of the polls. The authorized persons from GECOM and the parties should be allowed to do their jobs and it expected they would do so fairly. In fact, we are reminded that lingering at the polling stations after the end of the polls is an unlawful practice to begin with.

We recollect that in previous instances where a public call was not sounded, as it is now, there were unsavory incidents which have been documented. We are indeed concerned that such a call and congregation could lead to combustible situations which are not in the interest of any one, most of all the current and future generations of Guyanese. It also does not portend well for our fledgling democracy which has been openly threatened as naked attempts were afoot to undermine it.

Of course, the FITUG cannot ignore too that, at this time, there are still many and serious concerns regarding the upcoming elections especially the voters list. Though the list should generally almost be finalized by this time, we recognize that as many as 91,000 changes are being contemplated or are being made at this time. We believe there was more than adequate time for such changes to be announced and verified. The almost mid-night hour appearance does raise our concern and apprehensions. While we have seen statements about integrity being worth more than oil wealth, it does little to diminish our worry.

Apart from that, social media and the traditional media have reported about incidences of destruction of party paraphernalia. While we did see too the police acting on one matter, we have been able to see the many instances which, as far as we are aware, remain unaddressed. Our people are free to agree or to disagree with one party over another, a right the FITUG upholds, but, at the same time, we contend that we must also be respectful of other’s choices whether we can see eye-to-eye or not. We see the destruction of such material being unhelpful to the Government’s touted social cohesion initiatives. In fact, it belies the talk about creating and maintaining cohesiveness among our peoples.

We recognize too there is talk about removing or at least altering the no confidence provision of our Constitution. This for us is a disturbing thought and is seen as yet another ploy to undermine our democracy. The no confidence provision, which has become infamous in recent times, represents one means to ensure there are adequate checks and balances. To seek to abolish or at the least water it down is not helpful and could be seen as rollback of the democratic gains we have recorded.

The FITUG, in the coming days and weeks, will continue to actively and aggressively monitor the situation. As an organization of workers which has membership drawn from all sides of the political divide, our main concern regards the upholding of our democracy and the all-round progress in our country in the interest of our hard-working people. We are indeed hopeful at this time that the main actors will act responsibly and maturely and put Guyana and Guyanese first. 


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