Cane fields next door to Blairmont Manager house in an atrocious condition

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Following the Union’s statement on the low levels of sugar production expected, several workers of Blairmont Estate contacted the GAWU to draw our attention to the conditions of cane fields at that estate. The workers shared with the Union pictures (see below) of the cane field that are located just adjacent to the Estate Manager’s residence which indicated that those fields were heavily infested with grass and vines and a dearth of canes.

The workers explained to GAWU that there are several fields in the cultivation mimic the fields depicted. They expressed deep concern that the estate’s performance continues to decline. Workers are one of the usual scapegoats for poor performance but as the images depict clearly at Blairmont there is an urgent need for intervention to correct the poor agronomic practices which is deleteriously affecting the estate. Moreover, it is worrying that if these are the conditions of the fields within the Manager’s eyesight we have to wonder what about those further away. Rationally, we would think that the Management would seek to obscure any failures and ensure that their fields are easily seen are in tip top condition. Even this window dressing exercise apparently has faltered. It was only yesterday (September 03) that we drew attention to the lethargy that has and is currently plaguing the sugar company.

As we examined the images and listened to the workers concern, it caused us to have doubts about whether the cane yields being reported are indeed accurate and if they are attempts to engage in obfuscation. We hope this is not the case and at least there is integrity in the reporting. Over the last few years, our Union has been locked out from visiting estate cultivations as we previously did. Our previous visits, we hold, were useful and allowed areas which required attention to benefit from the necessary work. However, after the Coalition took office the workers and their organizations were identified as an enemy, rather than a partner, and our principled concerns were ignored, maybe with devious intent in mind.

As we have been observing the situation is serious and the functioning of the Corporation’s leadership must be placed under the microscope. We nevertheless are heartened that the new Government has indicated its commitment resuscitating to the sugar industry. This is a positive step and the GAWU will play a proactive role. We look forward to the strengthening and rebuilding of our relations with the sugar company as we all have a vested interest in the success of the industry. 


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