2021 – hopeful optimism!!

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End of year 2020: Conclusion - a hopeful tomorrow

2020 will be remembered for a long time. It is a year that will go down for so many reasons and it is a year that we will look back with fondness. We will remember the victories as we will recall the travails. We will celebrate the successes and we take stock of the challenges. But 2020 has demonstrated once again the resilience of mankind. It has shown that in the face of adversity we can scale the tallest mountains and climb out the deepest valleys. It causes us to be imbued to go forward stronger, committed and optimistic that though intrigues will always be formed against us we will roundly defeat them.

The year demonstrated the correctness of our positions and showed that despite adversity and difficulty we can succeed to realizing our reasonable objectives. The year also brought reminded us of the difficulty of a jobless life and the heartbreak and sorrow it brings. Indeed, the year was momentous on several fronts but it ends on a positive note.

As past generations of workers have shown us we can overcome adversities and win out if our demands and struggles are just. This is their abiding lesson to us. This enduring message we should not forget. The working people must be always vigilant, militant, organizationally strong and united, and must always raise the banner of solidarity.

As we now enter a new year, we are hopeful that the trials and tribulations we faced in recent times can be erased. We are hopeful that injustices perpetuated can be righted. And, we are hopeful that a better tomorrow will dawn.

Finally, at this time, we take this opportunity to extend best wishes for the Season to all Guyanese. May the New Year bring you all joy, happiness and prosperity.


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