FITUG welcomes Amaila Hydropower project and new Demerara Harbour Bridge

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The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) has noted recent announcements by the Government of Guyana regarding the advancements regarding the Amaila Hydropower plant and the new Demerara Harbour Bridge. The Federation recognises both projects once living up to their expectations will significantly improve the lives of Guyanese.

Indeed, the unlocking of Guyana’s long-touted hydropower potential represents a boon to ordinary Guyanese. The cost of electricity has prevented our country from becoming a manufacturing hub and has been a heavy expenditure for our people. We are pleased to learn that the project is being financed by the contractor who will recoup their investment through a power purchase agreement. Moreover, we noted that the price of electricity has been capped at a certain level though there is possibility for further reductions. Of course the hydropower venture comes at a time when the world is moving to more renewable and low-carbon energy sources. The commitment to Amaila is yet another demonstration of our country’s seriousness on the climate question which threatens all of mankind.

The construction of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge is also a long overdue project. The countless man hours lost because of traffic jams occasioned by the extant bridge costs our people and the country tremendously. A replacement bridge has long be overdue and is welcomed by our people especially those residing in Region #3 and beyond who continue to suffer greatly. The FITUG, of course, eagerly awaits to see the toll costs for the utilization of the new bridge.

We see Amaila and the new bridge as part of our country’s development thrust. The improvement and expansion of our infrastructure is necessary for our country to advance and for our people to have better quality of lives. Of course, we see the two (2) projects as just pieces of the wider puzzle to improve national welfare. Issues such as education, health and social projection require equal and we daresay greater importance. It is important for the FITUG that national development is able to touch all Guyanese whether they reside in the towns or in the deep interior of our country.


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