GAWU now representative of another section of GuySuCo Management

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The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) today (September 28, 2022) inked a Recognition and Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes Agreement regarding workers within the Field Superintendent category. It is the first time that a section of the industry’s Senior Staff has been unionized.

Earlier this year, the GAWU applied to the Trade Union Recognition and Certification Board (TURCB) to seek bargaining rights on behalf of the superintendents of the sugar industry. After considering the Union’s application, a survey was conducted and the GAWU was deemed to have most of the Senior Staffers as members. This paved the way for the Union to be issued with a Certificate of Recognition according the GAWU bargaining rights.

Today’s agreement followed negotiations between the Union and the sugar company. Through the agreement, the parties have set out dispute resolution mechanisms, processes for the appointment of shop stewards, and other features to guide the relationship between the GAWU and the GuySuCo.

At this stage we are to commence efforts to formalize a collective labour agreement which would address conditions of work and other benefits. The GAWU looks forward to a fruitful relationship with the company as we seek to protect and enhance the rights of all workers.


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