GAWU World Food Day 2023 message

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Today, on World Food Day, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) sends warm greetings to all our fellow citizens and the global community. This day holds great significance as it provides us a chance to reflect on the state of our nation’s food system and the collective responsibility that we all share in ensuring its sustainability. It is a day to acknowledge the importance of food security, to celebrate the achievements made in improving it, and to recognise the challenges that still exist. Let us use this day to come together and renew our commitment towards building a food system that is equitable, sustainable, and resilient.

This year’s theme, “Water is Life, Water is Food,” serves as a poignant reminder of water’s indispensable role in sustaining life and ensuring food security.

Water is an essential resource for agriculture as it plays a crucial role in growing and nourishing the food that sustains our communities. Our Union recognises the indispensable relationship between water and food production and stresses the importance of responsible water management practices to ensure a resilient and sustainable food future. GAWU believes that water management practices should be prioritised to ensure water is used efficiently and sustainably for agriculture. The union also encourages adopting innovative practices and technologies that can help conserve water resources and minimise waste. By promoting responsible water management practices,

Water management becomes paramount in Guyana, where our fertile lands are a source of pride. GAWU sees the need for a holistic approach to water use, combining traditional wisdom with innovative solutions to ensure water resources are preserved and utilised efficiently in agriculture.

Small-scale farmers, who often bear the brunt of water-related challenges, deserve special attention. GAWU advocates for developing irrigation systems, water harvesting techniques, and equitable distribution mechanisms that empower these farmers to maximise their productivity and contribute significantly to food security.

As we celebrate World Food Day under the theme “Water is Life, Water is Food”, GAWU underscores the importance of stakeholder collaboration. Government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector must join hands to implement sustainable water and agricultural policies, fostering an environment where water is a shared resource that benefits all.

Education and awareness are crucial components of this effort. GAWU calls for initiatives that promote water conservation practices, educate farmers on efficient irrigation methods, and raise awareness among the general public about the vital link between water and food security.

In celebration of World Food Day 2023, GAWU would like to reiterate its unwavering dedication to promoting sustainable agricultural practices that acknowledge the indispensable role of water. As we commemorate this occasion, let us wholeheartedly embrace the theme of this year’s World Food Day, which reminds us that water is not merely a resource but a fundamental aspect of life and an essential component of our food supply chain.


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