GAWU emphasises the importance of safety and health on World OSH Day 2024

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As we observe World Day of Safety and Health at Work on April 28, 2024, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) calls to attention the importance of safe and healthy workplaces throughout our country. The question of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a matter that cannot be treated trivially and must not be seen as an expense but as an investment for a safe work place with improved productivity.

In our country, we are pleased to recognise that our Statutes have specific legislation to address this important issue. The OSH Act, which has been enacted since 1997, provides for workers to receive personal protective equipment (PPE) to mitigate any occupational hazard. Moreover, it goes beyond that to ensure workers’ right of refusal to engage in unsafe tasks without reprisal from their employers. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing resistance and violations by employers, some of whom are considered as reputable.

We note that this year’s observances are being observed under the theme “A safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and right at work.” The theme signals the attention that OSH has been receiving on the global stage. We are conscious that the ILO’s 110th International Labour Conference (ILC) in June 2022 declared OSH a fundamental principle and right at work. Through its inclusion, ILO members are duty-bound to promote policies, systems, and programmes that further OSH compliance within countries. This becomes more paramount as we consider the climate change and its impact on the work environment.

We are mindful that the world of work is rapidly evolving, and new forms of employment are emerging. This undoubtedly poses new challenges to maintaining healthy and safe workplaces. In our country, too, we are mindful of the rapid pace of development and the emergence of new industries and work practices. It certainly brings into focus the need to appropriately evaluate the present-day situation while having an eye on the future. We recognise and lament the unfortunate demise of workers while at work. It certainly reinforces the call for an examination of contemporary arrangements.

As a stakeholder, the GAWU remains willing to play an active role. We are of the firm view that there is no unimportant worker right. We are happy to recognise the emphasis being placed on the issue of OSH by Minister of Labour Honourable Joseph Hamilton and urge a collaborative effort in the interest of the workers of our country. We urge on the occasion of World OSH Day 2024, that the Ministry of Labour works closer with the Trade Union movement to protect our nation’s workers.

One accident or one death is one million times too much for our country.

Let us all have a new vision, a new approach, as we observe OSH day 2024.


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