Estate closures are a crime against the workers – GAWU GS tells PPP Enmore Martyrs rally

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Enmore, as we know, has carved out an honoured place in the annals of the sugar industry. It gave us the Enmore Martyrs, whose courageous struggles constitute an inspiring chapter of Guyana’s history, and at that time gave impetus to our people’s fight for freedom. That memorable event took place seventy (70) years ago.

For us in the GAWU, one of the Unions in the sugar industry, celebrating the Enmore Martyrs is of special significance. As our nation observes the 70th Anniversary of the martyrdom of Cdes Rambarran, Lall, called Pooran; Lallabajie Kissoon; Surujballi, called Dookie; and Harry, who were all martyred on that fateful day on June 16, 1948 by the colonial police, defending the sugar plantocracy, let us briefly recall that period and the workers’ struggles that engulfed Enmore and the plantations along the East Coast.

By 1948, dissatisfaction in the sugar plantations were deep-seated and widespread. Pay levels and working conditions, especially in the cane fields of the plantations, were atrocious. So, too, were the living conditions of the workers. The colonial planters seemingly appeared unconcerned, and the cries for improvement received hardly any attention or meaningful sympathy. In the world of workers, this set of circumstances is usually volatile, and they tend to prompt workers into taking strong actions, as we see even in our day. This general dissatisfaction of the workers arising from their miserable working and living conditions, was aggravated when cane cutters were required to undertake additional work without adequate compensation. The cutters were required to abandon the old system of ‘cut and drop’ and adopt the new ‘cut and load’ system. Under the new system, the cane cutters were now expected to cut canes and load same into the punts, thus replacing the customary practice of placing the cane on the dam bed for others to load into punts. This was clearly intensifying the exploitation of the workers without the promise of increase in wages. The workers then sought recourse to strike action, which proved contagious, as it quickly spread to several estates along the East Coast of Demerara.

The strike itself began on 22nd April, 1948, and spread to many East Coast sugar plantations, including Non Pareil, Lusignan, Mon Repos, La Bonne Intention (LBI), Vryheid’s Lust and Ogle. As the weeks progressed, the strike gained momentum. The workers remained steadfast in their struggle. Support came from the public; the Guiana Industrial Workers Union (GIWU), the forerunner of GAWU; and leaders of the Political Affairs Committee (PAC), which was formed in 1946. On 16th June, 1948, the strike reached a high point. The workers decided on that day to advance their protest actions through a march to the Estate’s factory compound. There they were confronted by the colonial police, and they held back and decided to retreat. The police nevertheless opened fire. Some workers were shot in their backs. Fourteen were injured, and five attained martyrdom.

Did the Enmore Martyrs die in vain? I venture to say an emphatic no. Undoubtedly, their contribution to the overall advancement of working class struggles in Guyana is immeasurable. I dare say the incident surrounding the Enmore Martyrs had a lasting effect on the lives of numerous people, including Dr Cheddi Jagan who, in his lifetime, became the Honorary President of GAWU. As he subsequently would say, the Enmore workers’ struggle, at the political level fortified his commitment to carry on the struggle against colonialism and for freedom. Two years after Enmore, Dr Jagan was to transform the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in 1950. Thus, a reinvigorated struggle for freedom from British colonial rule, domination and oppression was inspired.

Cde Ashton Chase, O.E., in his seminal work, ‘A History of Trade Unionism in Guyana, 1900 to 1961’ acknowledges that “In Dr Jagan, the workers found an outstanding champion of their rights… On many occasions single-handedly, but nevertheless most heroically and inspiringly, he fought for the workers’ right.”

The fallen Enmore heroes certainly impacted the many economic, social and political struggles that followed in our country for social and economic justice and all-round betterment. The struggles of 1948 importantly exposed the callous colonial state and the anti-workers’ nature of the plantocracy. It forced the Colonial Office to promptly appoint a Commission of Inquiry, known as the Venn Commission, to enquire into wage levels, working conditions at the plantation, and other relevant matters. The Commission made a number of recommendations, among which were:- the supply of potable water at convenient points on estates; the clearance of ranges or logies and the re-housing of occupants; the establishment of community centres, crèches and sports grounds with suitable facilities; the appointment of Welfare Offices to each Estate, among other things.

In the final analysis, the 1948 struggle left a legacy of militancy and activism for workers to follow. Following Enmore, 1948, the sugar industry has seen numerous struggles, and many episodes that showed workers’ fighting spirit in defence of their interests.

Guyana Today
Today, seven decades after that historic struggle, our country is caught in the throes of new challenges and heightened anxieties. Of recent, several voices of condemnation have been raised against Section 18 of that Bill, which some have argued, will criminalize views that are not favourable to the Government. We find it hard to disagree with those views and contend that it is a retrogressive step and represents a slap in the face of those who struggled in our country to ensure that the views of all Guyanese can be expressed without fear or favour.

At this time, we also recognise that there is a strong view regarding the ability of GECOM to deliver a creditable election. This, indeed, is most unwelcome news and only serves to raise questions about whether we are going back to the time of electoral malpractices. We certainly hope that this is not the case, but the unilateral appointment of the GECOM Chairman and the more recent concerns regarding the Commission’s staffing has not sent a hopeful message.

The activation of SARA which has immense power and authority which, according to some, is being used to pursue certain ends, is also another worry of our times. We believe such contentions cannot be ignored when we see complaints to the body concerning the Administration, seemingly pushed to the backburner. Also the much-vaunted SOCU cannot escape our attention as well. It seems that this body’s mandate has changed recognizing, from reports in the press, that the body is only concerned with cases involving members of the former Government.

When the situation is looked at in its totality, we are very disturbed by the picture that appears. We are aware that similar tactics have been employed in states where unpopular Governments seek, by all means, to maintain their grip on power and perks that go with it. History has thought us that such intrigues have had sad outcomes. Moreover, it is not a situation that we as a people should face again especially recognizing the pivotal role played through the struggle of the Guyanese working-people in this regard. Comrades, history has thought us the sordid lessons of the era when democracy was thrown by the wayside and the serious damage that was inflicted in our society. At this time, after 52 years as an independent state, Guyanese should not encourage or allow our country to descend into a failed state.

Sugar industry
As we recall the Martyrs, we also cannot ignore the sad situation in the sugar industry. The sending home of some 7,000 workers over the last two (2) years clearly without any plan to address their welfare and loss of their livelihood has to be among the most callous of decisions ever made by any Government in our country in our over half a century of independence. This is a crime which could be seen as worse than the shooting of workers 70 years ago. The Government, by its very actions, has killed communities; have shattered the hopes of the youth; and pushed thousands of Guyanese into misery-filled lives.

Today, for many of the workers who have been placed on the breadline, they remain right there unable to find steady jobs and in some cases any job at all. Today, the talk of “sugar too big to fail” or “sugar will never die” or “we will fix sugar” heard boisterously during the 2015 campaign have been replaced by a deafening silence. It is indeed upsetting that this approach had been taken especially recognizing that it was not necessary in the first place and there was very good and real possibilities to overcome the difficulties in the sugar industry.

We must emphasize our dismay that the decisions for the sugar industry were implemented without any sort of study to have a full understanding of the consequences of the decisions to shutter estates. The clearly heartless, and some would say ruthless, approach to the sugar workers and their families represents one of the saddest periods in the history of our country. Many workers are still to receive their full severance payment. But comrades, we also saw that the spirit and determination of the Enmore Martyrs remain alive and well in their contemporary descendants. We saw the workers, facing daunting challenges, standing up to defend their job, to defend their families, and to defend their way of life. Indeed, comrades, the sustained struggles by the workers touched the conscience of the Guyanese people and their cries brought them several allies who spoke up in their defence and who rightly pointed to the wrong direction of the Administration’s plans. It is without a doubt, in our view, that the collective actions of the workers and others pushed the Coalition into reverse, somewhat. Today, we see Enmore, Rose Hall and Skeldon estates being put up for sale indicating that some of the displaced workers should be re-employed. We of the GAWU do not think this is the best solution but certainly better than the prospect of closure.

As we have said before:- “…we know this is not the outcome neither the workers wanted, the workers can hold their heads high and once again recognize an abiding of working-class history, that is, in authoritarian, class divided societies, the elites holding the reins of power, never or hardly even ensure justice for the working-class.”

We also cannot ignore the confusing situation that has enveloped the sugar industry. The public disagreement between the SPU and GuySuCo is not helpful to the industry and, in our view, sad situation has to be placed firmly at the door step of the Government.

Comrades, the Enmore Martyrs and the 1948 struggle, like so many heroic struggles previously and after, have enriched and made us proud of our history. In the face of today’s many and varied challenges, we can draw inspiration from them and in our past to face up to those challenges uncompromisingly and with dignity. Like the sugar industry, our country, too, has arrived at a critical crossroad on the road to progress. The spirit of nation-building and greater progress is being overtaken, it seems, by self-interests and narrow political ambitions. We must take note of this, but also take heart in the belief that the obstructionists to progress will have their schemes aborted.

The Enmore Martyrs, once more, showed that we can overcome adversities and win out if our demands and struggles are just. This is their abiding lesson to us.Thus in our times we can point to the ongoing relevance of the Enmore Martyrs. This enduring message we should not forget. The working people must be always vigilant, militant, organizationally strong and united, and must always raise the banner of solidarity.

Long live the memory of the Enmore Martyrs!

Long live our ongoing struggles!

Fight on for further victories!


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