1814 days since sugar workers pay stagnated

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A burning issue of today within the industry is workers pay. Today brings us to 1,814 days since sugar workers pay rates have remained stagnated. Over the last few weeks, the workers and the Union have heightened their call for a pay rise. A petition supported by thousands of workers to President Granger remains unanswered though the President has committed to providing a response after he heard from the sugar company.

Our Union understands that GuySuCo has provided a response to the President but nothing, so far, has been forthcoming from Mr Granger. Apart from the petition, workers have conducted vigils and protest activities outside of the estates. They also took part in a picketing exercise outside of the Ministry of the Presidency where they encountered a massive security mobilization despite the peaceful character of the activity.

The workers and the nation have been told by a few Government officials that it is the Board that must address the question of pay rise. This, our Union had shared, is simply a weak excuse as it is widely recognized that the Board is appointed by the Government and that tells us what relationship exists between the two. Additionally, even if it is indeed the Board by itself that has to make such a pronouncement, we wonder what kind of Government can just simply ignore the situation that confront the workers. Mr Granger, during an interview, when pointedly asked about the Government stepping in to assist in the situation completely sidestepped the question. To us the President’s actions only demonstrates that the plight of sugar workers does not attract the Coalition’s concern or sympathy. In the meantime, workers and their families continue to suffer. At this time, when many of their colleagues are preparing for a season of merriment, joy and happiness thousands in the sugar belt face yet another grim season of sadness and despair.


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