Incumbent administration has done much harm to sugar industry

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The GAWU has recognized that Mr Lincoln Lewis in the February 19 Guyana Chronicle and Kaieteur News has continued our frank discussions regarding his views on the sugar industry.

Mr Lewis acknowledges that our Union, like him, has a right to consider the actions and approach of our nation’s leaders. While Lincoln reiterates he does not share our view, a right he obviously has, he nevertheless contends that he will continue to hold accountable all our leaders. He says he will do this without “…fear, favour or ill will.”

We are heartened to hear this from long-standing trade unionist, who expressed the view that the incumbent Administration has not done a stellar job when it comes to sugar. We say this against the background that during the several installments of our ongoing conversation, Lincoln admitted that he was not concerned about several and palpable shortcomings of the Coalition regarding sugar though they are demonstrably visible. Mr Lewis said his focus was his assessment of Mr Jagdeo. For us its hard to be convinced that he desires, fearlessly, to hold all sides accountable but, at the same time, chooses to focus on one side of the fence. That nevertheless is not for us to explain or to offer a rationale.

Lincoln goes on to rehash what he has said several times about the Skeldon project and the EU support. Again, we do not believe we need to repeat our explanations which have been shared with Mr Lewis and the public on more than one occasion. Similarly, we see his repetition of his assessment of Mr Jagdeo’s stewardship as Opposition Leader which again we expressed our views. We recognize that Lincoln has said too he respects our view as we do his.

Mr Lewis said that the Diamond Estate was closed by Mr Jagdeo, a fact he deems as irrefutable. However, he ignores the reality that the factory was closed since in the mid-1980s and a large section of the cultivation was retired. Of course this brings into question, again, his fearlessness to call a spade a spade.             

Lincoln also shared that he believes that the Opposition Leader should be more active regarding the utilization of the bond. But ignores, ostensibly, the Administration’s non-addressing of the issue. Remember Mr Lewis, the President said since June, last year this matter would be been remedied, yet the bond releases, based on what GuySuCo has told us, ceased flowing from that time. We are unaware whether there has been a change of the situation and/or heart.

Mr Lewis in closing said he noted in the February 18th newspapers the GuySuCo statement on the pay rise. Though, Lincoln did not identify the newspaper he opines “[a]clarification from the union becomes necessary”. Even the Guyana Chronicle of the day in question, which seldom features GAWU’s statements, in its report on the matter referred to certain aspects of a statement we released on the issue. Moreover, Lincoln is on our mailing list and receives, electronically, copies of our statements which are issued. We have checked our system and we have confirmed that Mr Lewis, using the email we have for him, received our email and opened same during the evening hours of February 17, 2019. Maybe it is Lincoln didn’t read our statement and we urge him. We believe that offers all the clarity he may require.

We are strongly of the view that much harm has been done to the sugar industry and more so those who depend on it for their livelihoods and well-being. Those are decisions which apart from being shortsighted and lack any rational explanation, will haunt Guyanese for generations to come. While Mr Lewis says he does not share, entirely, our views on the matter, we believe, that they were real prospects for turnaround and recovery but such opportunities were squandered by the incumbent.  


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