2020 Sugar production – a reflection of mismanagement!

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Sugar production as at December 13, 2020 stood at 87,875 tonnes sugar with sugar production at the respective estates as follows:-

EstateFirst crop productionSecond crop productionAnnual production

This year’s production will in all likelihood eclipse 2019’s production as the worse production in GuySuCo history. Our Union a few weeks ago had warned of this possibility when we had considered the data we had received at that time. As we pointed out then and reiterate again the output hardly surprises us. We say this cognizant of the terrible mis-management that plagued the industry over the last few years. Not too long ago, the Union had cause to publicly disclose that canes adjacent to the residence of the Blairmont Estate Manager was overrun by bushes and weeds. We had cause then, as we do again, to sound an alarm as we have to wonder what would be the state of canes that are out of the eyesight of the manager. This situation is rather not the exception but too often the norm. This is simply disappointing and a serious cause for concern.

The 2020 production demonstrates the enormity of tasks that are before the new Board and Management of the Corporation. We have seen recently the GuySuCo announcing that it anticipates to realise 97,000 tonnes sugar next year. While it is an improvement from the disaster of 2020 and we are hopeful that the target can not only be realised but surpassed though it is hardly a production to be ecstatic about. The industry has much greater potential and there is urgent need to grasp with the challenges to bring about the desired return. These are matters we will continue to eagerly follow and when necessary offer our comments. We have seen the disaster of estates closure and we need not nor want that again. 


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