Only unions can protect oil workers from exploitative practices

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The GAWU recognised, from media reports, the intervention of the Ministry of Labour in addressing the concerns of workers employed in various tasks on the FPSO. Indeed, from the Ministry’s public statement, the employees’ concerns were indeed genuine and required appropriate intervention. As our Union indicated on this matter the situation confronting the employees of the FPSO are by no means unique but rather, based on information at our disposal, is commonplace among workplaces in the sector.

Our Union has seen that the company has undertaken to address issues in respect of overtime. Indeed, this is a positive movement and certainly for the employee’s the correction of some element of the exploitation they confront. While pleased by those developments, we recognised, from the media, that bonuses are being denied to this category of workers. This on the surface seems amiss and appears that some employees receive superior benefits relative to others.

While the GAWU is pleased that the Ministry’s intervention has apparently brought some reprieve to these employees, at the same time, we cannot ignore that the genuine concerns of many more employees of the sector seemingly continue to fall between the cracks. They are, in our view, unduly and unfairly suffering from exploitative practices. Though the Ministry may seek to do its utmost, on its own it may not be able to address every concern more so when workers themselves may have difficulties to reach out to the ministry or are fearful of repercussions from their employers.

The GAWU is of the considered view that the only way for the exploitative practices that have apparently become synonymous with the sector is for the workers to become unionized. Such moves, we contend, will enable greater watchfulness, engender improvements and improved respect for workers. We are conscious that some workers are fearful, however, we hasten to share that union membership is a constitutional right and should be seen as the first step in righting the wrongs perpetuated against them. Our Union is aware that some workers have drawn attention to their rates-of-pay vis-à-vis other sectors. While this may appear a valid concern, at the same time, are workers prepared to continue exploitative relations where they continue to be disrespected and where their rights continue to be violated? Certainly, we do not believe our workers will tolerate such treatment.

Our Union must remind that exploitation can only come when the workers are organized together to improve their well-being. In our own experiences, workers can get what they really deserve when they are unionized and thus their collective efforts are required to bring them their just and due reward. On this score, we urge the workers in the oil sector to continue to engage us whether by Facebook, email, WhatsApp (623-4298) or by visiting our offices. Let us work together to bring about a better day for all workers of the sector.


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