GAWU and GuySuCo engage on Enmore packaging plant

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The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) met today (February 25, 2022) in respect of the developments related to the Corporation’s Enmore packaging plant. Through our engagement, the Union was able to ensure that the rights of the 30-odd workers within the GAWU’s bargaining unit were respected. The GuySuCo has agreed to ensure that it fulfills its obligations as efforts are made to transition the workers to the new venture. The workers have indicated their satisfaction with the Union’s efforts. They opined that they felt GAWU’s presence allowed them to feel reassured and know that they are protected. At this time, they informed the Union they are excited as they move into the new venture.

The Union was assured, at this time, by GuySuCo that employees linked to other aspects of the estate’s operations will not be affected by the changes taking place. The Corporation indicated that operations would continue as per normal and advised that it could not offer any further clarity at this point.

The GAWU is heartened by the developments which ensured that the workers are taken care of, and their rights were respected.


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