GAWU saddened to learn of Comrade Jankie Persaud’s passing

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The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) was saddened to learn that former Union President, Comrade Jankie Persaud had passed away. Jankie served as the GAWU’s President for several years up to 1997 when he became Honorary President. In the union, he also held the posts of Vice President and Treasurer.

Jankie hailed from Enterprise and at aged eighteen (18) was employed at the Enmore Estate as a cow pen boy. He later became a trench cleaner and cane cutter. Jankie emerged as a worker leader after he began to express concerns about the problems and grievances that affected workers, in his gang. He was always able to summon the courage to speak to the estate’s managers on issues that out to be addressed. This trait never left him, and he remained committed to uplifting the lives of his fellow men and women.

As a sugar worker, he became a member of the Guiana Industrial Workers Union (GIWU), the forerunner to GAWU. During that time, he was participated in the 1948 struggles which gave rise to the Enmore Martyrs. Jankie was involved over the years in several major battles of the sugar workers. This undoubtedly steeled him in struggle and fortified his beliefs that through unity and collectivism our objectives could be attained.

In 2009 at the Union’s 19th Delegates’ Congress, Jankie was honoured for his outstanding contribution to the GAWU, and workers struggles. He always remained interested in GAWU’s activities and work. He would often boast of the GAWU which he remained eternally proud.

At this time, the GAWU extends its deepest sympathies to the relatives and friends of Comrade Jankie Persaud. Indeed, he lived an outstanding life and his contribution to the GAWU, and the workers will never be forgotten. May he rest in peace.


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