GAWU Christmas message 2023

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The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) joins in extending warm wishes and greetings to all Guyanese and particularly the Christian community on the occasion of Christmas 2023. The Christmas time holiday has now become associated with merriment and joy as many take time to reflect on their achievements for the year and to recalibrate for the coming year. For the young and the not-so-young, Christmas is a memorable time of family, love and joy and an occasion for peoples to come together and have a happy time.

The occasion of Christmas holds great religious and spiritual significance as well. It occasions the birth of son of God, Jesus Christ whose presence on earth served as an awakening to the faithful and non-faithful alike. Many Christians accordingly understand Isaiah 7:14 as a prophecy of a future event – the miraculous Incarnation of our Lord. Jesus was the fulfillment of this prophecy, for he was Immanuel – “God with us” – in the fullest sense. Jesus’ miraculous birth was a sign that God had come in the flesh to dwell with humanity. The child Jesus was the salvation of God.

At the local level, Christmas has grown into a national observance with Guyanese from all walks of life participating. This, we hold, speaks to the tolerance and unity of our people which have been tested in recent times. Though challenges to national unity abound, we know that our people will not be led astray by those who seek to divide for their own ends. This Christmas Season sees greater optimism among the Guyanese people. It is this hopefulness that is synonymous with the Christmas Season.

The human spirit, however, knows how to overcome adversity. Ways and means must once again be found to deal with our misfortunes. This is the season of hope and we must resolve to never give up. It must be noted that Jesus is regarded as a type of Religious rebel who confronted courageously the Roman rulers on behalf of the oppressed. Hope dwelt amongst them.

The celebration of Christmas 2023 embraced by so many, presents the opportunity for togetherness to prevail over selfishness, political high-handedness and discrimination and set our nation on the path to harmony and strive to ensure that peace and goodwill among men and women prevail.

A joyful Christmas from GAWU – to all Guyana!  


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